Friday, 6 March 2020

Conversation with Laurence Honderick

I had a call with Laurence Honderick, the head of the BBC Creative today in which he gave me some
advice about entering the creative industries. The main take aways from this conversation:
-It’ll be a long road ahead and it seems like there is a huge wall between me and where I want to be
 but it’s not there to keep you out, it’s to keep those out who don’t want to be there enough.
- If and when you are good enough, everyone will know and they then can’t ignore you. 
The best animators/ creators have these qualities:
  1. Give a damn about every project that you work on, because when people see how much you
     put into what you’re not passionate about they’ll know how hard you will work beyond that 
    therefore you get more work.
  2. Never stop learning.
When you get a new brief, ask yourself these things:
  • Can I use this to push my skills technically/ creatively etc?
  • Can I make the work from it good enough for my portfolio/ or add to it to make it so?
  • Take on the duty of making global animation better.

You have so much time!!!! Use it beneficially!!!!
  • Take on side projects, BETTER yourself, or do side projects that you love.
  • Use side projects to self correct your course to where you want to be.
  • Mindfully learn new skills constantly.

How do you imagine your dream studio’s room to look/ what makes them so successful? Detail?
 Passion? Sketches everywhere, moodboards covering the walls?
Imagine your own imaginary room and everything you need to become the best, it will gradually 
physically manifest, in accordance to the new skills you are learning.

Be a nice person. 

Don’t worry about not knowing where you’ll be or what you’re doing- everyone is free falling, but 
some people learn to enjoy it. Don’t internalise fear and feelings of being fraudulent. 
If you’re not falling and being pushed, you’re not where you need to be.

Learning to be technically and creatively is great, but learn how to do it happily.

The BBC aren't really the right fit for what I want to do re: vis dev

I prepped for this fairly thoroughly with prompts from Sharon my careers advisor. It was a short call where I didn't end up needing the information for the conversation but it led me to look into what the BBC can offer and the schemes they run, so very valuable research!

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